Queenfisher (Belted Kingfisher)

Queenfisher (Belted Kingfisher)

Original gouache and ink illustration on 6x8 inch paper. Art prints and other products available on Society6: https://society6.com/laurawolf/collection/queenfisher-belted-kingfisher

Notorious RBG (Rose-breasted Grosbeak)

Notorious RBG (Rose-breasted Grosbeak)

Original gouache and ink illustration on 6x8 inch paper.

Art prints and other products available on Society6: https://society6.com/laurawolf/collection/notorious-rbg-rose-breasted-grosbeak

 Original gouache and ink illustration on 6x8 inch paper.   Art prints and other products available on Society6:  https://society6.com/laurawolf/collection/i-feel-pretty-california-condor

Original gouache and ink illustration on 6x8 inch paper.

Art prints and other products available on Society6: https://society6.com/laurawolf/collection/i-feel-pretty-california-condor

Why Do You Build Me Up, Butterbutt? (Yellow-rumped Warbler)

Why Do You Build Me Up, Butterbutt? (Yellow-rumped Warbler)

Original gouache and ink illustration on 6x8 inch paper.

Art prints and other products available on Society6: https://society6.com/laurawolf/collection/why-do-you-build-me-up-butterbutt-yellow-rumped-warbler

Every Day I'm Shovelin' (Northern Shoveler)

Every Day I'm Shovelin' (Northern Shoveler)

Original gouache and ink illustration on 6x8 inch paper.

Art prints and other products available on Society6: https://society6.com/laurawolf/collection/every-day-im-shovelin-northern-shoveler

Whoop There It Is (Whooping Crane)

Whoop There It Is (Whooping Crane)

Gouache and ink illustration on 6x8 inch paper.

Art prints and other products available on Society6: https://society6.com/laurawolf/collection/whoop-there-it-is-whooping-crane

Hammer Time (Pileated Woodpecker)

Hammer Time (Pileated Woodpecker)

Clever Girl (Cassowary)

Clever Girl (Cassowary)

Ink and gouache on 6x8 inch paper.

Art prints and other products available on Society6: https://society6.com/laurawolf/collection/clever-girl-cassowary

I Like Bird Butts and I Cannot Lie

I Like Bird Butts and I Cannot Lie

Ink and gouache illustration on 6x8 inch paper.

Art prints and other products available on Society6: https://society6.com/laurawolf/collection/i-like-bird-butts-and-i-cannot-lie

Pewee's Playhouse (Eastern Wood-Pewee)

Pewee's Playhouse (Eastern Wood-Pewee)

Ink and Gouache on 6x8 inch paper mounted in an 8x10 inch mat.

Art prints and other products available on Society6: https://society6.com/laurawolf/collection/pewees-playhouse-eastern-wood-pewee

I Can Has Cheezburger? (Gray Catbird)

I Can Has Cheezburger? (Gray Catbird)

Original ink and gouache illustration on 6x8 inch paper.

Art prints and other products available on Society6: https://society6.com/laurawolf/collection/i-can-has-cheezburger-gray-catbird

Cock-a-doodle Don't Even

Cock-a-doodle Don't Even

Ink and gouache on 6x8 inch paper.

Art prints and other products available on Society6: https://society6.com/laurawolf/collection/cock-a-doodle-dont-even

Rock Out With Your Andean Cock-of-the-rock Out

Rock Out With Your Andean Cock-of-the-rock Out

Ink and gouache on 6x8 inch paper.

Art prints and other products available on Society6: https://society6.com/laurawolf/collection/rock-out-with-your-andean-cock-of-the-rock-out

Bros Before Crows

Bros Before Crows

Ink and gouache illustration on 6x8 inch paper.

Art prints and other products available on Society6: https://society6.com/laurawolf/collection/bros-before-crows

Must See TV (Turkey Vulture)

Must See TV (Turkey Vulture)

Ink and gouache on 6x8 inch paper.

Art prints and other products available on Society6: https://society6.com/laurawolf/collection/must-see-tv-turkey-vulture

Bird Resting Face (Blue-gray Gnatcatcher)

Bird Resting Face (Blue-gray Gnatcatcher)

Ink and gouache on 6x8 inch paper.

Art prints and other products available on Society6: https://society6.com/laurawolf/collection/bird-resting-face-blue-gray-gnatcatcher

Sweet Caroline (Carolina Wren)

Sweet Caroline (Carolina Wren)

Original ink and gouache illustration on 6x8 inch paper.

Art prints and other products available on Society6: https://society6.com/laurawolf/collection/sweet-caroline-carolina-wren

Turn! Turn! Turn! (Least, Common, Caspian Terns)

Turn! Turn! Turn! (Least, Common, Caspian Terns)

Original ink and gouache illustration on 6x8 inch paper. Art prints and other products available on Society6: https://society6.com/laurawolf/collection/turn-turn-turn

Send Duck Pics (Ruddy Duck)

Send Duck Pics (Ruddy Duck)

Original ink and gouache illustration on 6x8 inch paper. Art prints and other products available on Society6: https://society6.com/laurawolf/collection/send-duck-pics

Do You Have An Appointment? (Secretary Bird)

Do You Have An Appointment? (Secretary Bird)

Original ink and gouache illustration on 6x8 inch paper. Art prints and other products available on Society6: https://society6.com/laurawolf/collection/do-you-have-an-appointment-secretary-bird

Mood Indigo (Indigo Bunting)

Mood Indigo (Indigo Bunting)

Original ink and gouache illustration on 6x8 inch paper. Art prints and other products available on Society6: https://society6.com/laurawolf/collection/mood-indigo-indigo-bunting

Ovenborb (Ovenbird)

Ovenborb (Ovenbird)

Ink and gouache illustration on 6x8 inch paper. Art prints and other products available on Society6: https://society6.com/laurawolf/collection/ovenborb-ovenbird

TLDR (Black Skimmer)

TLDR (Black Skimmer)

Original ink and gouache illustration on 6x8 inch paper. Art prints and other products available on Society6: https://society6.com/laurawolf/collection/tldr-black-skimmer

Get a Room (Cedar Waxwings Courting)

Get a Room (Cedar Waxwings Courting)

Ink and gouache on 6x8 inch paper. Reference photo by John Stier.

Art prints and other products available on Society6: https://society6.com/laurawolf/collection/get-a-room-cedar-waxwings-courting

Long Live the King (Eastern Kingbird)

Long Live the King (Eastern Kingbird)

Ink and gouache on 6x8 inch paper. Art prints and other products available on Society6: https://society6.com/laurawolf/collection/long-live-the-king-eastern-kingbird

Owl Be Seeing You (Burrowing Owl)

Owl Be Seeing You (Burrowing Owl)

Original ink and gouache illustration on 6x8 inch paper. Art prints and other products available on Society6: https://society6.com/laurawolf/collection/owl-be-seeing-you-burrowing-owl

Creepers Be Creepin' (Brown Creeper)

Creepers Be Creepin' (Brown Creeper)

Original ink and gouache illustration on 6x8 inch paper. Art prints and other products available on Society6: https://society6.com/laurawolf/collection/creepers-be-creepin-brown-creeper

Prairie Home Companion (Prairie Warbler)

Prairie Home Companion (Prairie Warbler)

Original ink and gouache illustration on 6x8 inch paper. Art prints and other products available on Society6: https://society6.com/laurawolf/collection/prairie-home-companion-prairie-warbler

Silent But Deadly (Empidonax Flycatcher)

Silent But Deadly (Empidonax Flycatcher)

Original ink and gouache illustration on 6x8 inch paper. Art prints and other products available on Society6: https://society6.com/laurawolf/collection/silent-but-deadly-empidonax-flycatcher

Strawberry Fields Forever (Field Sparrow)

Strawberry Fields Forever (Field Sparrow)

Original ink and gouache illustration on 6x8 inch paper mounted in an 8x10 inch mat. Art prints and other products available on Society6: https://society6.com/laurawolf/collection/strawberry-fields-forever-field-sparrow

Snow Angel (Snow Bunting)

Snow Angel (Snow Bunting)

Original ink and gouache illustration on 6x8 inch paper mounted in an 8x10 inch mat. Art prints and other products available on Society6: https://society6.com/laurawolf/collection/snow-angel-snow-bunting

You've Got Quail (Gambel's Quail)

You've Got Quail (Gambel's Quail)

Original ink and gouache illustration on 6x8 inch paper mounted in an 8x10 inch mat. Art prints and other products available on Society6: https://society6.com/laurawolf/collection/youve-got-quail-gambels-quail

 Original ink and gouache illustration on 6x8 inch paper.  Art prints and other products available on Society6:  https://society6.com/laurawolf/collection/get-turnt-ruddy-turnstone

Original ink and gouache illustration on 6x8 inch paper. Art prints and other products available on Society6: https://society6.com/laurawolf/collection/get-turnt-ruddy-turnstone

LOL (Laughing Kookaburra)

LOL (Laughing Kookaburra)

Original ink and gouache illustration on 6x8 inch paper mounted in an 8x10 inch mat. Art prints and other products available on Society6: https://society6.com/laurawolf/collection/lol-laughing-kookaburra

Raspberry Beret (Common Redpoll)

Raspberry Beret (Common Redpoll)

Original ink and gouache illustration on 6x8 inch paper mounted in an 8x10 inch mat. Art prints and other products available on Society6: https://society6.com/laurawolf/collection/raspberry-beret-common-redpoll

Blue Jay Baby

Blue Jay Baby

Original ink and gouache illustration on 6x8 inch paper mounted in an 8x10 inch mat. Art prints and other products available on Society6: https://society6.com/laurawolf/collection/blue-jay-baby-la-lady

Let it Bee (European Bee Eater)

Let it Bee (European Bee Eater)

Original ink and gouache illustration on 6x8 inch paper. Art prints and other products available on Society6: https://society6.com/laurawolf/collection/let-it-bee-european-bee-eater

Gull From Ipanema (Kelp Gull)

Gull From Ipanema (Kelp Gull)

Original ink and gouache illustration on 6x8 inch paper.

Art prints and other products available on Society6: https://society6.com/laurawolf/collection/gull-from-ipanema-kelp-gull

Business In The Front, Party In The Back (Tufted Duck)

Business In The Front, Party In The Back (Tufted Duck)

Original ink and gouache on 6x8 inch paper mounted in an 8x10 inch mat.

Art prints and other products available on Society6: https://society6.com/laurawolf/collection/business-in-the-front-party-in-the-back-tufted-duck

Running With Scissors (Scissor-tailed Flycatcher)

Running With Scissors (Scissor-tailed Flycatcher)

Original ink and gouache on 6x8 inch paper mounted in an 8x10 inch mat.

Art prints and other products available on Society6: https://society6.com/laurawolf/collection/running-with-scissors-scissor-tailed-flycatcher

Once Bittern, Twice As Shy (American Bittern)

Once Bittern, Twice As Shy (American Bittern)

Original ink and gouache on 6x8 inch paper mounted in an 8x10 inch mat.

Art prints and other products available on Society6: https://society6.com/laurawolf/collection/once-bittern-twice-as-shy

Don't Let The Bustards Grind You Down (Kori Bustard)

Don't Let The Bustards Grind You Down (Kori Bustard)

Original ink and gouache on 6x8 inch paper mounted in an 8x10 inch mat.

Art prints and other products available on Society6: https://society6.com/laurawolf/collection/dont-let-the-bustards-grind-you-down-kori-bustard

Caracara No Time Is A Good Time For Goodbye (Crested Caracara)

Caracara No Time Is A Good Time For Goodbye (Crested Caracara)

Original ink and gouache on 6x8 inch paper mounted in an 8x10 inch mat.

Art prints and other products available on Society6: https://society6.com/laurawolf/collection/caracara-no-time-is-a-good-time-for-goodbye-crested-caracara

Dammit, Gannet, I Love You (Northern Gannet)

Dammit, Gannet, I Love You (Northern Gannet)

Original ink and gouache on 6x8 inch paper mounted in an 8x10 inch mat.

Art prints and other products available on Society6: https://society6.com/laurawolf/collection/dammit-gannet-i-love-you-northern-gannet

Barbet Of Seville (Coppersmith Barbet)

Barbet Of Seville (Coppersmith Barbet)

Original ink and gouache on 6x8 inch paper mounted in an 8x10 inch mat.

Art prints and other products available on Society6: https://society6.com/laurawolf/collection/barbet-of-seville-coppersmith-barbet

Somewhere Over The Rainbow (Rainbow Lorikeet)

Somewhere Over The Rainbow (Rainbow Lorikeet)

Original ink and gouache on 6x8 inch paper mounted in an 8x10 inch mat.

Art prints and other products available on Society6: https://society6.com/laurawolf/collection/somewhere-over-the-rainbow-rainbow-lorikeet

Carrion My Wayward Son (Lesser Yellow-headed Vulture)

Carrion My Wayward Son (Lesser Yellow-headed Vulture)

Original ink and gouache on 6x8 inch paper mounted in an 8x10 inch mat. Created as a donation to Vulpro, dedicated to vulture research, rehabilitation, and breeding.

Art prints and other products available on Society6: https://society6.com/laurawolf/collection/carrion-my-wayward-son-lesser-yellow-headed-vulture

I Shat The Sheriff (Rock Pigeon)

I Shat The Sheriff (Rock Pigeon)

Original ink and gouache illustration on 6x8 inch paper mounted in an 8x10 inch mat.

Art prints and other products available on Society6: https://society6.com/laurawolf/collection/i-shat-the-sheriff-rock-pigeon

Tough Tits (Blue Tit & Great Tit)

Tough Tits (Blue Tit & Great Tit)

Original ink and gouache illustration on 6x8 inch paper. Art prints and other products available on Society6: https://society6.com/laurawolf/collection/tough-tits-blue-tit--great-tit

Get Your Beak On (Toco Toucan)

Get Your Beak On (Toco Toucan)

Original ink and gouache illustration on 6x8 inch paper. Art prints and other products available on Society6: https://society6.com/laurawolf/collection/get-your-beak-on-toco-toucan

Life Is Like A Box Of Auklets (Crested Auklet)

Life Is Like A Box Of Auklets (Crested Auklet)

Original ink and gouache illustration on 6x8 inch paper. Art prints and other products available on Society6: https://society6.com/laurawolf/collection/life-is-like-a-box-of-auklets-crested-auklet

Mice Mice Baby (Great Horned Owl)

Mice Mice Baby (Great Horned Owl)

Original ink and gouache illustration on 6x8 inch paper. Art prints and other products available on Society6: https://society6.com/laurawolf/collection/mine-mice-baby-great-horned-owl

Don't Go Chasing Waterfowl (American Wigeon)

Don't Go Chasing Waterfowl (American Wigeon)

Original ink and gouache illustration on 6x8 inch paper mounted in an 8x10 inch mat.

Art prints and other products available on Society6: https://society6.com/laurawolf/collection/dont-go-chasing-waterfowl-american-wigeon

I Don't Want No Scrubs (Florida Scrub Jay)

I Don't Want No Scrubs (Florida Scrub Jay)

Original ink and gouache illustration on 6x8 inch paper mounted in an 8x10 inch mat.

Art prints and other products available on Society6: https://society6.com/laurawolf/collection/i-dont-want-no-scrubs-florida-scrub-jay

Big Dickcissel Energy

Big Dickcissel Energy

Original ink and gouache illustration on 6x8 inch paper mounted in an 8x10 inch mat.

Art prints and other products available on Society6: https://society6.com/laurawolf/collection/big-dickcissel-energy

Cardinal Rules

Cardinal Rules

Original ink and gouache illustration on 6x8 inch paper. Art prints and other products available on Society6: https://society6.com/laurawolf/collection/cardinal-rules

How Now Brown-headed Cowbird

How Now Brown-headed Cowbird

Original ink and gouache illustration on 6x8 inch paper. Art prints and other products available on Society6: https://society6.com/laurawolf/collection/how-now-brown-headed-cowbird

Snap Grackle Pop

Snap Grackle Pop

Original ink and gouache illustration on 6x8 inch paper. Art prints and other products available on Society6: https://society6.com/laurawolf/collection/snap-grack-pop

Say It, Don't Osprey It

Say It, Don't Osprey It

Original ink and gouache illustration on 6x8 inch paper mounted in an 8x10 inch mat.

Art prints and other products available on Society6: https://society6.com/laurawolf/collection/say-it-dont-osprey-it

Send In The Clowns (Atlantic Puffin)

Send In The Clowns (Atlantic Puffin)

Original ink and gouache illustration on 6x8 inch paper. Art prints and other products available on Society6: https://society6.com/laurawolf/collection/send-in-the-clowns-atlantic-puffin

   Original ink and gouache illustration on 6x8 inch paper. Art prints and other products available on Society6:  https://society6.com/laurawolf/collection/into-the-woods-wood-duck

Original ink and gouache illustration on 6x8 inch paper. Art prints and other products available on Society6: https://society6.com/laurawolf/collection/into-the-woods-wood-duck

Swing Your Razorbill Wide

Swing Your Razorbill Wide

Original ink and gouache illustration on 6x8 inch paper mounted in an 8x10 inch mat. Art prints and other products available on Society6: https://society6.com/laurawolf/collection/swing-your-razorbill-wide

Sunday In The Lark With George (Horned Lark)

Sunday In The Lark With George (Horned Lark)

Original ink and gouache illustration on 6x8 inch paper. Art prints and other products available on Society6: https://society6.com/laurawolf/collection/sunday-in-the-lark-with-george-horned-lark

Slow Your Roll (Blue-breasted Roller)

Slow Your Roll (Blue-breasted Roller)

Original ink and gouache illustration on 6x8 inch paper. Art prints and other products available on Society6: https://society6.com/laurawolf/collection/slow-your-roll-blue-bellied-roller

If You Wanna Be My Plover (American Golden Plover)

If You Wanna Be My Plover (American Golden Plover)

Original ink and gouache illustration on 6x8 inch paper mounted in an 8x10 inch mat. Art prints and other products available on Society6: https://society6.com/laurawolf/collection/if-you-wanna-be-my-plover-american-golden-plover

Come Rail Away (Virginia Rail)

Come Rail Away (Virginia Rail)

Original ink and gouache illustration on 6x8 inch paper mounted in an 8x10 inch mat. Art prints and other products available on Society6: https://society6.com/laurawolf/collection/come-rail-away-virginia-rail

Hawk On By (Swainson's Hawk)

Hawk On By (Swainson's Hawk)

Original ink and gouache illustration on 6x8 inch paper mounted in an 8x10 inch mat. Art prints and other products available on Society6: https://society6.com/laurawolf/collection/hawk-on-by-swainsons-hawk

She's A Brick Grouse (Greater Sage Grouse)

She's A Brick Grouse (Greater Sage Grouse)

Original ink and gouache illustration on 6x8 inch paper mounted in an 8x10 inch mat. Art prints and other products available on Society6: https://society6.com/laurawolf/collection/shes-a-brick-grouse-greater-sage-grouse

Ready Or Knot (Red Knot)

Ready Or Knot (Red Knot)

Original ink and gouache illustration on 6x8 inch paper. Art prints and other products available on society6: https://society6.com/laurawolf/collection/ready-or-knot-red-knot

It's Not Easy Being Green (Green Heron)

It's Not Easy Being Green (Green Heron)

Original ink and gouache illustration on 6x8 inch paper. Art prints and other products available on society6: https://society6.com/laurawolf/collection/its-not-easy-being-green-green-heron

Tree Hugger (Tree Swallow)

Tree Hugger (Tree Swallow)

Original ink and gouache illustration on 6x8 inch paper mounted in an 8x10 inch mat. https://society6.com/laurawolf/collection/tree-hugger-tree-swallow

Check Yourself Before You Peck Yourself

Check Yourself Before You Peck Yourself

Original ink and gouache illustration on 6x8 inch paper. Art prints and other products available on Society6: https://society6.com/laurawolf/collection/check-yourself-before-you-peck-yourself-acorn-woodpecker

Guess What? Chicken Butt

Guess What? Chicken Butt

Original ink and gouache illustration on 6x8 inch paper. Art prints and other products available on Society6: https://society6.com/laurawolf/collection/chicken-butt

Fly Like An Eagle (Philippine Eagle)

Fly Like An Eagle (Philippine Eagle)

Original ink and gouache illustration on 6x8 inch paper, commission for Lisy Holloway. Reference photo by Shankar S. Art prints and other products available on Society6: https://society6.com/laurawolf/collection/fly-like-like-an-eagle-philippine-eagle

Gulls Just Wanna Have Fun (Laughing Gull)

Gulls Just Wanna Have Fun (Laughing Gull)

Original ink and gouache illustration on 6x8 inch paper mounted in an 8x10 inch mat. Art prints and other products available on Society6: https://society6.com/laurawolf/collection/gulls-just-wanna-have-fun-laughing-gull

The Crane In Spain Stays Mainly On The Plain (Common Crane)

The Crane In Spain Stays Mainly On The Plain (Common Crane)

Original ink and gouache illustration on 6x8 inch paper mounted in an 8x10 inch mat. Reference photo by Marie-Lan Tay Pamart. Art prints and other products available on Society6: https://society6.com/laurawolf/collection/the-crane-in-spain-stays-mainly-on-the-plain-common-crane

Painted Love

Painted Love

Original ink and gouache illustration on 6x8 inch paper mounted in an 8x10 inch mat. Art prints and other products available on Society6: https://society6.com/laurawolf/collection/painted-love

Raven Lunatic

Raven Lunatic

Original ink and gouache illustration on 6x8 inch paper mounted in an 8x10 inch mat. Art prints and other products available on Society6: https://society6.com/laurawolf/collection/raven-lunatic

Summer Tanager And The Living Is Easy

Summer Tanager And The Living Is Easy

Original ink and gouache illustration on 6x8 inch paper mounted in an 8x10 inch mat. Art prints and other products available on Society6: https://society6.com/laurawolf/collection/summer-tanager-and-the-living-is-easy

The Baffled King Composes Gallinuleyah (Purple Gallinule)

The Baffled King Composes Gallinuleyah (Purple Gallinule)

Original ink and gouache illustration on 6x8 inch paper. Art prints and other products available on Society6: https://society6.com/laurawolf/collection/the-baffled-king-composes-gallinuleyah-purple-gallinule

Some Enchanted Evening (Evening Grosbeak)

Some Enchanted Evening (Evening Grosbeak)

Original ink and gouache illustration on 6x8 inch paper mounted in an 8x10 inch mat. Art prints and other products available on Society6: https://society6.com/laurawolf/collection/some-enchanted-evening-evening-grosbeak

I'm Telling Mom (Wandering Tattler)

I'm Telling Mom (Wandering Tattler)

Original ink and gouache illustration on 6x8 inch paper mounted in an 8x10 inch mat. Art prints and other products available on Society6: https://society6.com/laurawolf/collection/im-telling-mom-wandering-tattler

Never Gonna Give You Upland Sandpiper

Never Gonna Give You Upland Sandpiper

Original ink and gouache illustration on 6x8 inch paper mounted in an 8x10 inch mat. Art prints and other products available on Society6: https://society6.com/laurawolf/collection/never-gonna-give-you-upland-sandpiper

When I Dip You Dip We Dip (American Dipper)

When I Dip You Dip We Dip (American Dipper)

Original ink and gouache illustration on 6x8 inch paper mounted in an 8x10 inch mat. Art prints and other products available on Society6: https://society6.com/laurawolf/collection/when-i-dip-you-dip-we-dip-american-dipper

Shoulda Put A Ring On It (Ring-necked Pheasant)

Shoulda Put A Ring On It (Ring-necked Pheasant)

Original ink and gouache illustration on 6x8 inch paper mounted in an 8x10 inch mat. Art prints and other products available on Society6: https://society6.com/laurawolf/collection/shoulda-put-a-ring-on-it-ring-necked-pheasant

Meep Meep (Greater Roadrunner)

Meep Meep (Greater Roadrunner)

Original ink and gouache illustration on 6x8 inch paper mounted in an 8x10 inch mat. Art prints and other products available on Society6: https://society6.com/laurawolf/collection/meep-meep-greater-roadrunner

Put A Little Dove In Your Heart (Fledgling Mourning Dove)

Put A Little Dove In Your Heart (Fledgling Mourning Dove)

Original ink and gouache illustration on 6x8 inch paper mounted in an 8x10 inch mat. Art prints and other products available on Society6: https://society6.com/laurawolf/collection/put-a-little-dove-in-your-heart-fledgling-mourning-dove

Tuning Stork (Wood Stork)

Tuning Stork (Wood Stork)

Original ink and gouache illustration on 6x8 inch paper. Art prints and other products available on Society6: https://society6.com/laurawolf/collection/tuning-stork-wood-stork

Play That Funky Music Kite Boy (White-tailed Kite)

Play That Funky Music Kite Boy (White-tailed Kite)

Original ink and gouache illustration on 6x8 inch paper. Art prints and other products available on Society6: https://society6.com/laurawolf/collection/play-that-funky-music-kite-boy-white-tailed-kite

Dove Hurts (Luzon Bleeding-heart Dove)

Dove Hurts (Luzon Bleeding-heart Dove)

Original ink and gouache illustration on 6x8 inch paper. Art prints and other products available on Society6: https://society6.com/laurawolf/collection/dove-hurts-luzon-bleeding-heart-dove

Make 'Em Whistle (Black-bellied Whistling Duck)

Make 'Em Whistle (Black-bellied Whistling Duck)

Original ink and gouache illustration on 6x8 inch paper. Art prints and other products available on Society6: https://society6.com/laurawolf/collection/make-em-whistle-black-bellied-whistling-duck

Redheads Have More Fun (Red-headed Woodpecker)

Redheads Have More Fun (Red-headed Woodpecker)

Original ink and gouache illustration on 6x8 inch paper. Art prints and other products available on Society6: https://society6.com/laurawolf/collection/redheads-have-more-fun-red-headed-woodpecker

Monk In The Trunk (Monk Parakeet)

Monk In The Trunk (Monk Parakeet)

Original ink and gouache illustration on 6x8 inch paper. Art prints and other products available on Society6: https://society6.com/laurawolf/collection/monk-in-the-trunk-monk-parakeet

Bills, Bills, Bills (Rhinoceros, Red-billed, Black-casqued Hornbills)

Bills, Bills, Bills (Rhinoceros, Red-billed, Black-casqued Hornbills)

Original ink and gouache illustration on 6x8 inch paper. Art prints and other products available on Society6: https://society6.com/laurawolf/collection/bills-bills-bills-rhinoceros-red-billed-black-casqued-hornbi

Hummer Breeze (Ruby-throated Hummingbird)

Hummer Breeze (Ruby-throated Hummingbird)

Original ink and gouache illustration on 6x8 inch paper. Art prints and other products available on Society6: https://society6.com/laurawolf/collection/hummer-breeze-ruby-throated-hummingbird

Flicker Before Beer (Northern Flicker)

Flicker Before Beer (Northern Flicker)

Original ink and gouache illustration on 6x8 inch paper. Art prints and other products available on Society6: https://society6.com/laurawolf/collection/flicker-before-beer-northern-flicker

Get Your Scoter Running (Surf Scoter)

Get Your Scoter Running (Surf Scoter)

Original ink and gouache illustration on 6x8 inch paper. Art prints and other products available on Society6: https://society6.com/laurawolf/collection/get-your-scoter-running-surf-scoter

Mi Casa Es Su Casa (House Wren)

Mi Casa Es Su Casa (House Wren)

Original ink and gouache illustration on 6x8 inch paper. Art prints and other products available on Society6: https://society6.com/laurawolf/collection/mi-casa-es-su-casa-house-wren

Purple Nurple (Purple Martin)

Purple Nurple (Purple Martin)

Original ink and gouache illustration on 6x8 inch paper. Art prints and other products available on Society6: https://society6.com/laurawolf/collection/purple-nurple-purple-martin

I Came, I Saw-whet, I Conquered (Northern Saw-whet Owl)

I Came, I Saw-whet, I Conquered (Northern Saw-whet Owl)

Original ink and gouache illustration on 6x8 inch paper. Art prints and other products available on Society6: https://society6.com/laurawolf/collection/i-came-i-saw-whet-i-conquered-northern-saw-whet-owl

I Get So Emutional (Emu)

I Get So Emutional (Emu)

Original ink and gouache illustration on 6x8 inch paper. Art prints and other products available on Society6: https://society6.com/laurawolf/collection/i-get-so-emutional-emu

I Wanna Dance With Somebody (Western Grebe)

I Wanna Dance With Somebody (Western Grebe)

Original ink and gouache illustration on 6x8 inch paper. Art prints and other products available on Society6: https://society6.com/laurawolf/collection/i-wanna-dance-with-somebody-western-grebe

Egrets, I've Had A Few (Reddish Egret)

Egrets, I've Had A Few (Reddish Egret)

Original ink and gouache illustration on 6x8 inch paper. Art prints and other products available on Society6: https://society6.com/laurawolf/collection/egrets-ive-had-a-few-reddish-egret

Semiprecious (Semipalmated Plover)

Semiprecious (Semipalmated Plover)

Original ink and gouache illustration on 6x8 inch paper. Art prints and other products available on Society6: https://society6.com/laurawolf/collection/semiprecious-semipalmated-plover

Pelican't Touch This (Brown Pelican)

Pelican't Touch This (Brown Pelican)

Original ink and gouache illustration on 6x8 inch paper. Joke by Stephanie Galla. Art prints and other products available on Society6: https://society6.com/laurawolf/collection/pelicant-touch-this-brown-pelican

Honest Abe (Lincoln's Sparrow)

Honest Abe (Lincoln's Sparrow)

Ink and gouache on 6x8 inch paper. Art prints and other products available on Society6: https://society6.com/laurawolf/collection/honest-abe-lincolns-sparrow

If You Give A Titmouse A Cookie (Tufted Titmouse)

If You Give A Titmouse A Cookie (Tufted Titmouse)

Ink and gouache on 6x8 inch paper. Art prints and other products available on Society6: https://society6.com/laurawolf/collection/if-you-give-a-titmouse-a-cookie-tufted-titmouse

Little Drummer Boy (Red-bellied Woodpecker)

Little Drummer Boy (Red-bellied Woodpecker)

Ink and gouache on 6x8 inch paper. Art prints and other products available on Society6: https://society6.com/laurawolf/collection/little-drummer-boy-red-bellied-woodpecker

Let It Snow (Snowy Owl)

Let It Snow (Snowy Owl)

Ink and gouache on 6x8 inch paper. Art prints and other products available on Society6: https://society6.com/laurawolf/collection/let-it-snow-snowy-owl

Rockin' Robin (American Robin)

Rockin' Robin (American Robin)

Ink and gouache on 6x8 inch paper. Art prints and other products available on Society6: https://society6.com/laurawolf/collection/rockin-robin

Swamp Thing (Swamp Sparrow)

Swamp Thing (Swamp Sparrow)

Original ink and gouache illustration on 6x8 inch paper mounted in an 8x10 inch mat. Art prints and other products available on Society6: https://society6.com/laurawolf/collection/swamp-thing-swamp-sparrow

What Does the Fox Sparrow Say?

What Does the Fox Sparrow Say?

Original ink and gouache illustration on 6x8 inch paper mounted in an 8x10 inch mat. Art prints and other products available on Society6: https://society6.com/laurawolf/collection/what-does-the-fox-say-fox-sparrow

Spill Your Tea (Eastern Towhee)

Spill Your Tea (Eastern Towhee)

Original ink and gouache illustration on 6x8 inch paper. Art prints and other products available on Society6: https://society6.com/laurawolf/collection/spill-your-tea-eastern-towhee

I Came To Get Down (Downy Woodpecker)

I Came To Get Down (Downy Woodpecker)

Original ink and gouache illustration on 6x8 inch paper. Art prints and other products available on Society6: https://society6.com/laurawolf/collection/i-came-to-get-down-downy-woodpecker

Raptor Round My Finger (American Kestrel)

Raptor Round My Finger (American Kestrel)

Original ink and gouache illustration on 6x8 inch paper.

Winter Wonderland.jpg
Ginger Bred (Redhead)

Ginger Bred (Redhead)

Original ink and gouache illustration on 6x8 inch paper.

F*ck Marry Killdeer

F*ck Marry Killdeer

Original ink and gouache illustration on 6x8 inch paper.

happily varied smaller.jpg
when harrier met sally smaller.jpg
duck be a lady smaller.jpg
screech for the stars smaller.jpg
so long sapsucker smaller.jpg
climb every mountain.jpg
pipit good smaller.jpg
cross my heart.jpg
the world is your oystercatcher.jpg
burger kinglet smaller.jpg
vermillionaire smaller.jpg
sourdough quetzal smaller.jpg
Maggie May (Magnolia Warbler)

Maggie May (Magnolia Warbler)

Original ink and gouache illustration on 6x8 inch paper mounted in an 8x10 inch mat. Reference photo by Michael McCloskey.

Bawlmer Merlin

Bawlmer Merlin

Original ink and gouache illustration on 6x8 inch paper mounted in an 8x10 inch mat. Reference photo by Michael McCloskey.

Peregrine and Bear It

Peregrine and Bear It

Original ink and gouache illustration on 6x8 inch paper mounted in an 8x10 inch mat. Reference photo by Michael McCloskey.

Blackbeard (Black-throated Green Warbler)

Blackbeard (Black-throated Green Warbler)

Original ink and gouache illustration on 6x8 inch paper mounted in an 8x10 inch mat.

Fluffernutter (White-breasted Nuthatch)

Fluffernutter (White-breasted Nuthatch)

Original ink and gouache illustration on 6x8 inch paper mounted in an 8x10 inch mat.

Songs in the Key of Life (Song Sparrow)

Songs in the Key of Life (Song Sparrow)

Original ink and gouache on 6x8 inch paper.

do your ears hang low smaller.jpg
Deez nuthatches smaller.jpg
i shrike it like that smaller.jpg
avocet for life smaller.jpg
true blue smaller.jpg
that's murre like it smaller.jpg
spin doctor smaller.jpg
purple people eater smaller.jpg
hoodie two shoes smaller.jpg
Tennessee waltz smaller.jpg
peanut envy smaller.jpg
marsh mellow smaller.jpg
a sight for sora eyes smaller.jpg
keepin' it teal smaller.jpg
eider house rules smaller.jpg
Oh What a Beautiful Mourning smaller.jpg
Blue Tang Clan smaller.jpg
Clapper Dandy smaller.jpg
KY Fried Chicken smaller.jpg
CT Warbler in King Arthur's Court smaller.jpg
Turn Around White Eyes smaller.jpg
Piping hot smaller.jpg
All By Myself smaller.jpg
Ceci N'est Pas une Snipe smaller.jpg
When the Loon Hits Your Eye smaller.jpg
Blackburnian down the house smaller.jpg
Loonstruck smaller.jpg
Down By the Bay smaller.jpg
Acaracri Seems to be the smaller.jpg
Montezuma's Revenge smaller.jpg
Napoleon Complex smaller.jpg
Goldwinger smaller.jpg
Saturday Nighthawk Fever smaller.jpg
When there's a willet there's a way smaller.jpg
Dirt off your shoulder smaller.jpg
U Mad Cro smaller.jpg
Cool, Palm, and Collected smaller.jpg
Chip off the old Block smaller.jpg
Pintail Wizard smaller.jpg
I See You Baby small.jpg
Bohemian Rhapsody smaller.jpg
I Egret Nothing smaller.jpg
the chat's meow smaller.jpg
easy mac smaller.jpg
harlequin romance smaller.jpg
i am the walrus smaller.jpg
hello dacnis my old friend smaller.jpg
Flamingo Your Own Way smaller.jpg
You Might Be a red-necked phalarope smaller.jpg
easy as pied.jpg
Best in Snow smaller.jpg
purple haze smaller.jpg
little brown beauty smaller.jpg
gnatcatcher in the rye smaller.jpg
in godwit we trust smaller.jpg
I'd Tap That smaller.jpg
A Little Night Heron Music smaller.jpg
Cuckoo for Kakapo smaller.jpg
Dove Shack smaller.jpg
MAgpie R squared smaller.jpg
Morning Wood smaller.jpg
Hit it and Quit It smaller.jpg
confirmed bateleur smaller.jpg
Why the long face smaller.jpg
holding out for a heron smaller.jpg
Baby Shrike smaller.jpg
I love harris.jpg
A Bushel and A Peck smaller.jpg
three's company smaller.jpg
Thicc AF.jpg
Pines of Rome smaller.jpg
Leave it to Weaver smaller.jpg
In West Philly small.jpg
Fanfare for the Common Yellowthroat smaller.jpg
Smooth Operator smaller.jpg